Freight Recovery & Arbitration Chamber

About Us

The future of debt recovery service is now.
We are the answer you were looking for

An international entity, which will provide full assistance in the process of collecting international debts, through a network of specialists who can respond to any need of the partners and the creation of an Arbitration Chamber to resolve all disputes that may arise between the parties. The goal is to meet all the needs of the partners in real time, thanks to the activity of the technical staff and international lawyers, in order to enhance the solutions out of court through the alternative dispute resolution.

If you are a member of one of our associated networks, we offer a special commission on any amount actually collected. We assist with debt collection for all involved in the freight forwarding/logistics industry worldwide.

International debt recovery is the process of collecting delinquent accounts outside creditor’s country of residence.

We collect commercial debts only and we accept any amount for collection. In case legal (court) action is required by the client, we can request a quotation from our lawyers in the debtor’s country and provide that to you free of charge and without any form of commitment to proceed. In many countries we can also offer court action on “contingency” basis.

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How We Work

1. Out of court phase

The debtor is contacted with a letter of formal notice ordering payment of the sums due plus interest. a second communication follows a first letter without acknowledgement, in which it is noted that, in the event of non-payment, judicial proceedings will be initiated.

The technical staff will also carry out an analysis of the debtor’s profile, which will be inserted in the «wall of shame» on the website so as to be visible to all users worldwide.

2. Arbitration

If the above amicable collection process fails, we will recommend to our client to engage our Arbitration Chamber. This means commencing legal action, without involving a court.

The creditor and the debtor are summoned before the Arbitration Chamber, where the arbitrators will assess the position of the parties in order to avoid the judicial phase by issuing an arbitration award.

 We only proceed with such action with the express written approval of our client.

3. Justicial Phase (If Any)

If the above pre-court action fails, we may recommend court action.

We will only recommend to our client to pursue court action if the debt is large and there is a reasonable prospect of winning such action.

Any costs/fees associated with such action are quoted before commencement and are the responsibility of the client. FR&AC does not pay said fees on behalf of the client.

We do not proceed without the express written approval of our client. If the above pre-court action fails, we may recommend court action.

We will only recommend to our client to pursue court action if the debt is large and there is a reasonable prospect of winning such action.

Pietro Marzano
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Marcello Saponaro
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Valentina Giordano
Member of FR&AC board
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